
File UK Company Accounts and Tax Return

File limited company accounts to companies house

Limited company accounts are sometime referred as company accounts, company statutory accounts, company financial statements or simply company yearend accounts. In simple terms, company accounts are a summary of a limited company’s financial transactions or activity over a period. Financial period is normally a 12-month period. Companies accounts goes to Companies House and HMRC every year. Accounts are normally consist of Directors’ Report, Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet Statement. If accounts are prepared by a qualified practicing accountant, there will be a Chartered Accountant Report or Chartered Certified Accountant Report in the company accounts. Normal due date to file company accounts to companies house is 9 months from the yearend date.

Fee to file company accounts from £75, for the following services:
  Limited company accounts filing to companies house
  Company tax return preparationa and filing to HMRC

Also included in our services:

  Dedicated Accountant
  Support via phone, email and video call
  Discounted cloud accounting application subscriptions
  No hidden costs or surprised bills

Give us a call on 020 4531 8266 to discuss it or click below to get a quotation under 60 seconds.

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Moving Accountant?
If you already have an accountant, we will get in touch with your accountant and collect all the information to sign you up with us. Only information we need from you will be the name of your accountant and their contact details.

Limited company accounts filling is one of the most important and common service, we are providing to all our clients who have limited companies. Way we prepare company accounts for each client is different. For example, some of our clients do not have any bookkeeper for their business. We do their bookkeeping for the full year to prepare and file company accounts to companies house.

We ask these clients to provide bank statements for the year, along with all sale and purchase invoices. We then do bookkeeping for the year and reconcile every single balance. This kind of job sometime takes time to prepare and file company accounts to companies house. If accounting records are kept well and organised, job can be completed quickly.

Some of our other clients have bookkeeper for their businesses or they do their own bookkeeping in Xero, QuickBooks, Sage, FreeAgent, KashFlow , or other accounting software. We use their accounting data, by directly accessing their accounting applications where possible, to prepare and file company accounts to companies house. We provide them companies house accounts filing service only, no monthly bookkeeping service is provided to these clients.

If you have a limited company and need to file company accounts to companies house, we can prepare your company accounts and file them to companies house and HMRC as your Agent. As we are practicing Chartered Certified Accountants, we will include a Chartered Certified Accountant Report in the company accounts.


When UK Limited company accounts are due to file to Companies House?
You need to file annual company accounts to Companies House within 9 months after company's financial year is ended.

Do you file profit and loss account to Companies House?
If your company is small, you are not required to file profit and loss account at Companies House. You can check your company size at Companies House website.

Can I prepare my own company accounts and file them to Companies House?
You can prepare your own company accounts and can file them to Companies House. Most of the limited companies hire external practicing accountants to prepare and file their limited company accounts.

I prepared my own limited company accounts, can anyone check them if they are correct?
If you have prepared your own company accounts and want someone to check them to make sure that they are correct, we can help you and can check your company accounts for you. We have a service called Pre-Accounts service in which we provide full company accounts reconciliation and accounts working papers in Excel for client's record. We charge a very small fee for this service. Please Contact Us or Request a Call Back and we will explain the rest.

Is filing company's accounts at Companies House necessary?
Yes, you must file your annual company accounts within 9 months from the end of your financial year. If accounts are not filed on time, Companies House will issue a penalty notice.

Who can see the accounts filed at Companies House?
Accounts filed at Companies House are available in Companies House Public register. Anyone who can access Companies House Public register can search company name and access and view accounts filed at Companies House for each year.

How long does it take to prepare a UK limited company accounts?
It depends on how much work is involved. If accounting records prepared by the client are well maintained, then it will take less time. Likewise, if accounting records are not maintained well then it can take long time. A small limited company accounts with up to 500 transactions can be prepared in 2 to 3 working days.

What is accountant cost to prepare a UK limited company accounts?
Again, it depends how much working is involved and how well records are maintained. Most practicing accountants charge their clients based on number of hours they work on their accounts. This means, if your accounting records are not maintained well then accountants will spend more time to organise and reconcile all your accounting records. More time means large accountancy fee bill. Some accountants offer services for a fixed price. In this case, quality of accounting records maintained by the clients is irrelevant. Most clients prefer to hire accountants with fixed fee for year end company accounts. This way they have peace of mind that their accountancy fee bill is fixed.

We at Shakoor & Co are offering fix fee to prepare and file company accounts to Companies House and HMRC. We quote a fix fee for company accounts, partnership, limited liability partnerships and sole trader accounts. In addition, we review our fee on yearly basis to make any adjustment.

I have a small UK limited company with up to 250 business transactions, how much will it cost to prepare and file company accounts?
If you have a small UK limited company and have up to 250 business transactions then, we can prepare your company accounts and corporation tax return and can file them to Companies House and HMRC for a fixed fee of £150 + VAT.

Is there any calculator to check how much will it cost to prepare and file UK limited company accounts?
Yes, we have provided a Quotation calculator for this on our website. If you want to know what will be the estimated cost to prepare UK limited company accounts or partnership accounts, limited liability partnership accounts (LLP), or sole-trader accounts, please click Green Quotation button on top right of the page at our website. You can generate a Quotation under 60 seconds, using this calculator. Prices quoted in Quotation generated, from Quotation calculator are estimated. We will discuss your job with you and will quote you a final fix fee.

Last Updated: August 2023

ACCA Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Shakoor & Co. is registered with The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

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